I’ve been behind on my blogging!

Things have really geared-up with my school work and blogging has taken a back-seat to life.

So here’s a post with some of our recent happenings:

At the beginning of the month my sister came to visit and we went to the Tucson Medical Center NICU graduation picnic (affectionately known as the “Preemie Picnic.”) Its an annual party they throw for all the babies who’ve graduated from the NICU. It was so cool to see the older kids who were in the NICU 5, 7, 9 years ago and have grown up so well! For the older kids there was a bounce house, face painting, and toys. They also had hot dogs, a popcorn and cotton candy machine, and lots of sunshine! So fun! Kind of sad we won’t be here to go for upcoming years (because we’ll be back in Texas!!!!!)

A couple weekends ago we took the babies to get a pumpkin!!!

Remember how, at the beginning of October, we were supposed to take the girls to a pumpkin patch but I nixed the idea after having a bad outing and realizing the patch was so far away? Well, I wanted to rectify the situation!

So Chris and I took the girls to a little place just down the road from where we live (less than 5 minutes away). On the way there I was a little bummed that they didn’t get the whole pumpkin-patch experience, but I was blown away by the quality of this place!

They had tons of pumpkins of all variety, raw honey, and little local crafty/trinkets for sale. Plus, they even had a few farm animals that you could feed!!! Brooke slept pretty much the entire trip, but Bailey was wide-eyed and very interested in everything going on. It was so fun to watch the fascination in her eyes at everything going on!

And, although there wasn’t an “outing” associated with Halloween (we stayed at home) – Dad and the girls all dressed up to hand out candy. Dad was a Shepard and the girls were little lambs (Note: I’d wanted to be Little Bo Peep to dress up with them, but couldn’t find a non-skanky version of the costume and lacked the time/energy to make my own. Oh well!)

The costumes said “0-6 months” but were definitely a little large on the girls : )

And, earlier in the day, we had the girls all dressed in their cute pumpkin outfits that Aunt Jenna made for them (check out her website – she sells the cutest stuff!)

Hope you all had an Outstanding October! I can’t believe it’s already over!? Where does the time go?!??